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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Transfer Items to Another Database
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Selecting this option allows to transfer items from one location to another (this can be either another database or simply another item in the same database). Click on the title and the Transfer Item wizard will start.

The wizard guides you through the transfer process:

Screen 1 : review the introduction and click Next to continue.

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/transer1.png  

Screen 2 : select the source item (the one you wish to transfer).

Note : it is only possible to transfer items from the current database.

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/transfer2.png  

Screen 3 : select the destination location. Use the Database drop-down list to specify the database and the content tree to specify the parent item. The source item will become a child of the destination item.

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/transfer3.png  

Screen 4 : operation summary. Check ‘Include subitems’ if you wish the subitems of the source item to be copied as well. Click Next to transfer items.

Note : in case the items are transferred within the same database, the source item will be removed after the transfer process is completed.

/upload/sdn5/end user/control panel/transfer4.png 

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